In Pricing/ The Business Side

New Prices…What??!! {The Business 411}

AMW Headshot 2016 4

If you have been a client of mine for a while, you know that I haven’t increased prices in a few years. A typical family session has been $150 no matter how long it took. If you are a friend of mine, you know I really would love to just work for free because I HATE to charge people money and I would love to give away sessions to everyone I meet to spread some cheer…BUT…enter reality! The goal is to create income not to add expense! I have invested in enough equipment to buy at least one new vehicle, necessary insurances and memberships, equipment maintenance, software, education, TAXES, etc. Due to these factors and fairness to the time I am away from my family (I am responsible for how I budget my time too!), I have had to make some changes and adjustments. I didn’t want to, but it was inevitable. For previous clients, most sessions will offer a discount to you due to the price jump and our continued relationship. Some of you I consider friends now and others as close as family. If you have specific questions, feel free to contact me. If you are new, I hope I get the opportunity to work with you soon! I know you have a lot of decisions about how you spend your money and I know that photography is an investment. Additionally, we all prioritize things differently with the resources we have been given. I also know there are a lot of photographers out there for you to choose from. Please understand my heart and intentions. God is always working on me as I learn to create healthy boundaries within so many areas of my life. Please also know how thankful I am for you!


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